Saturday, 6 October 2018

What is your favourite number?

We all have favourites.  From places to meals, having favourite is an unconscious part of our existence.  Can we ask ourselves, why do i like the things that i like?  Our seemingly innocuous actions such as choosing a random number have a huge significance that we might not be aware of.  For instance, it is used in psychology and psychiatry for a number of diagnosis. If you are asked to choose a number between 1 and 10, what will be your choice?  What does this choice say about you?  What factors will likely affect your choice - religion, age, gender, intelligence, or mood?  

If a group of randomly selected individuals are asked to pick a random number between 1 and 10, what do you think will be the favourite number?  Why do you think it will be 7?  What factors will determine the favourite number?

Ogunjo et al (2018) examined this research questions in their new publication (read here) .  They asked over 2000 undergraduate students to pick a favourite number between 1 and 10.  The favourite number was found to be 1!  
Statistics of chosen numbers

What factors could be responsible for this?  They found that gender (either male or female), age (young or old), intelligence (performance in a quick test) did not contribute statistically to this choice of number.  However, the faculty they belong to was found to be a significant contributor.

There is still very much more to be done.  Researchers need to broaden the scope of contributing factors to include tribe, religion, political affiliation, and  mood.  Can we use the favourite numbers among a group of individuals to predict group dynamics? 


Ogunjo, Samuel T, Emmanuel J Dansu, Oluwagbenga Fakanye, and Ibiyinka A Fuwape. 2018. “The Possibility of Uniform Pseudo-Random Number Generation by a Group of Humans.” OSF. October 6. 


Monday, 27 August 2018

Cost of higher education in Nigeria

There is an increase in the number of applicants into higher degrees in our Universities.  Some graduates believe that it is a remedy for poor undergraduate grades while others are in it for better chances of employment.  What is the attendant cost of postgraduate education in Nigeria?  The survey of a few institutions within the country reveals the following

Table 1:  Cost of MSc programmes across Nigerian Universities (NS - Not specified. All cost are in Nigerian Naira)

Institution Form Acceptance Year1 Year2 Oral exam Remarks
FUTA 20000 40000 120000 85000 70000  
FUOYE 15000 30000 120000 NS    
UNN 25000 25000 96000 96000    
BUK 10500 10000 130000 NS 50000 Cost is for Faculty of Sciences
UNILAG 22500 65000 75000 NS   Cost is for Faculty of Education

Table 2:  Fee structure for PhD programmes across Nigerian Universities  (NS - Not specified. All cost are in Nigerian Naira)

Institution Form Acceptance Year1 Year2 Year3 Oral exam Remarks
FUTA 20000 40000 150000 125000 100000 75000  
FUOYE 15000 50000 150000 ns ns ns  
UI 15000 40000 140000 124000 ns ns Faculty of Sciences
EKSU 16000 32000 181750 181750 181750 60000 N10,000 is paid per session each for PG  fee and faculty due
UNN 25000 25000 96000 96000 96000 ns  
BUK 10500 10000 195000 ns ns 95000  
NSU 20000 20000 160000 ns ns ns  
UNILAG 22500 65000 75000 75000 75000 ns Faculty of Education
UNI ILORIN 25000 ns 125000 ns ns ns  

NB:  The data presented here will be updated as more information become available.