For those who have gone through one or two stages of the Nigerian higher educational system, this question will not be strange. After four or five years of study as an undergraduate, a student is expected to carry out an independent study in his/her field of study. It is a rigorous, mentally tasking, time consuming and financially demanding task for every student. Every student is expected to make four copies of the completed thesis - one for the student, one for the supervisor, one for the Department and the last for the University library (this might vary in some institutions). The researches reported in this theses are supposedly carried out to solve or address specific societal problems. It is a requirement for graduation from any higher institution in the country.
Let us put this into context. Assuming there are 20 universities in Nigeria. Also assuming a total of 20 departments each with 50 students are in all the 20 universities. Based on this assumptions, there are 20,000 thesis being submitted by undergraduates every year. This implies that there exists 20,000 reports generated annually that directly (or indirectly) addresses various problems in our society. Where are these theses? To access any of these theses, you either know the student or the supervisor or apply to the Department or University library. Yes, currently you cannot sit in your house and access any thesis within the country (except a few universities).
Why is it like this? Let me give an unofficial explanation. All thesis (undergraduate and postgraduate) are proprietary materials for the University. I do not know of any other reason why theses are not online (if you know, kindly provide and i will update this article). Well, if Federal and State institutions are funded by tax payers money, are the tax payers not entitled to the reports? Do the institutions refund the students for the expenses incurred during the research work? Did the student graduate without paying any school fees? Is the claim to thesis as proprietary works actually valid?
In my own opinion, academic theses should be readily available online in a variety of format. One, it will reduce the rate of plagiarism among students as previous theses will be captured online. Two, the availability of theses online will afford access by policy makers, industry experts and the general public for implementation. Three, it is in line with best and emerging global trend in education. Four, it serves as a means of preservation when hard copies of the theses are disposed or recycled (do we recycle?). Five, it can generate income for the institution ( Six, will supervisors allow students go away with shoddy research work if their names will be appended to the online work? Methinks it will improve quality of research at all stages.
Where is your thesis?

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